Sunday, September 13, 2015

There Was Truly A Spirit of Unity

March 29, 2015
Dear Mama and Papi, 

Well, first, in regards to this week, well, what can I say? 
The main thing I want to talk about this week is that we had a wonderful activity yesterday to get everyone psyched for conference this weekend (which I am absolutely giddy about. I feel like such a little kid, but for me, it's the excitement I feel like when I would go to movie premieres or waiting for the newest album from one of my bands. Obviously, these things are incomparable, but you understand my excitement when I explain it like that. Haha.) To explain the activity, what we did is this: we bought a couple bags of candy and then hid them around the outside of the church. Prior to all of this (to ensure that we would have the assistance that we wanted/needed), we asked that every organization prepare a hymn to sing at this activity, and in the end, we did have practically the whole branch come. Returning back to the candy, we took everyone outside and send them off to find the candy. Once that finished, we went back inside to explain the purpose of the searching. The candy represented people that the members know, scattered about in various locations. The members were us, the missionaries, looking here and there for people that we could teach. Lastly, we the missionaries represented the members, who knew in what locations candy was hidden. We did this all with the purpose that the members could realize the important role they play in helping others receive the gospel and helping us to have people to teach. Following that, we had the presentation of the hymns. All did wonderful, but what was especially wonderful was that the primary closed the hymns (carefully placed last on purpose) with the primary song, "He Sent His Son". Well chosen for this Easter season. Finally, we presented a video about why we need living prophets, but then also with the video of the newest initiative that the church is putting out entitled "Because He Lives". (Questions regarding this initiative? Ask the missionaries! They can help you! Also, view the video on YouTube,,, etc.) The night ended with the singing of "The Spirit of God" and I have to say, that was just great. I felt as if we were singing for the Kirtland temple dedication. There was truly a spirit of unity. Now we just have to give the members a bit of follow up as we continue the week so that we can assure that we didn't plan all of this for nothing. Haha. 

In regards of our friends, Eduardo, he still has desires to receive the gospel. He wasn't at church because he had a soccer game again, but he called us that day (because we invited him to the activity) telling us that he couldn't go because he had a bit of an accident. Turns out he collided with a teammate during soccer and both of them split their heads open, so they had to go to the hospital, and he called us after he got out. I almost laughed because of how he presented it. "Hey. Look, I'm really sorry, but I don't think I'll be able to go to the activity today. What's going on is that I kinda had a bad accident, so I'm not gonna be able to go." It just seemed so nonchalant. Haha. But we are gonna go see him this week, so I'm gonna try to use this accident to our advantage and see if he'll put less priority on soccer for a bit. Ah, the ways of the Lord. Haha. 

Wow. The progress with my padrino (I feel) will bring about many miracles. The addicition recovery program is way good since it puts the emphasis on healing via the Atonement and utilizes the doctrine of the church, so I'll definitely be praying that he'll continue to progress well. And yes, you have no idea of the smile that came upon my face when I read dad's comments. Miracles are indeed real. They just require patience at times. Well, that's all for this week, but I love you all so much. Please be safe. Thank you for the mission birthday wishes! We've hit the top and it's all downhill from here! (But not in a bad way.) 

Love, Elder Manuel Antonio Santos

PS, The computer had an SD card slot, so you get a picture this week! Sums up our activity pretty well, I must say. (They're a youth and young adult from the branch.) (Since I lost my camera cable again, but this time permanently. Oh well.)

Querido Papi, 

Me da mucho gusto a escuchar que todo va bien! Apoye mucho a mi padrino. Va a necesitar mucho ayuda. Yo ha ayudado a muchos utilizando la programa en que asistió el, pero le hace difícil a las personas si no tienen nadie para apoyarle. Estoy orando mucho por el. Como está el tiempo? Extraño mucho al frió, pero me imagino que todo va a parecer un poco frió cuando termino. Espero que todo está bien! Le quiero mucho y le hablo mas en la semana que viene. 

Su hijo, Elder Manuel Antonio Santos

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